Saturday, April 7, 2018

The blues

Was at Beez's earlier today to get this done. My Ibanez RG521 now sports a pair of Seymour Duncan humbuckers: Alpha (n)/ Omega (b). These are available at Davis GMC/ 35 GA

Just to be clear, I'm not a Periphery fan, not into Mark Holcomb either so the Alpha/ Omega purchase wasn't about trying to sound like anyone in particular. Unlike signature guitars, I'm OK with putting good money into signature pickups. Through my set up, I sound nothing like the endorser's tone. Since my tonal expedition with George Lynch's Screaming Demon humbucker, I know better than dismissing pickups by virtue of their endorser association. Still in testing mode, will update the sonic performance soon. 😁


Ijau D. Koceng said...

likewise... not a Vai fan, but the Evolution was my favourite neck pickup for live applications, both of my main stage guitars sport an Evo neck said...

Ah... the Evo (n) is on my current shopping list. 😁

YusTech said...

Very nice looking sir. said...

Bordering on being juvenile... 😁