Friday, January 20, 2017

Single 7s

From the Jackson camp- the new Telly 7-string.

Camp Ibanez has this- Iron Label FR 7-string.

It's interesting to note singlecut offerings from non-Fender models (Fender owns Jackson by the way...), both in 7-string format. Notably, both brand names are also known for their aggression-inclined music association so the singlecut path is an interesting path to tread on.

Coming back to domestic applications, we are more likely to see the Ibanez FR in the stores here. My observation- they sell more than Jacksons (compounded by the fact that the distributor has a poor Jackson inventory/ update).  If I were the distributor, I would have commercial underpinnings to keep sales up there than worry about satiating the few who are clamouring for attention as they don't keep my business afloat. 


YusTech said...

I have to admit,the Jackson looks ugly and out of its place.:) said...

They are doing it just because they can. I question the market for this- who would really want one?

YusTech said...

Haha..and it's a very good question.By the end of this year they'll get it.

Ijau D. Koceng said...

i'm imagining the monarkhs with reversed 6-in-line headstock, hmmm...